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We'll Rip Your Soul Apart! Nah, Not Really: Is that the true form of Hexamorpheus seated second from the left? No, silly, it's only Lief Sorbye, lead singer of Tempest.
My Demon Music Lover
Back from the deepest, darkest pit of hell, the Metro Santa Cruz staff demon returns for Halloween
By Hexamorpheus, King of Demons, Sovereign of the Bottomless Pit
Greetings, my tender, succulent mortals! I, Hexamorpheus, have returned to do more bad things--like, you know, unleashing plagues and, like, horribly pestilent prairie dogs all across the land--to you all! Ahhaahahaha! All cower before the demon roar of Hexamorpheus! Rar!
Undoubtedly you are preparing to indulge in your ridiculous annual custom of expressing some feeble alter-ego that will one day burn in the horrible fires of hell for all eternity with the rest of your pathetic selves. But it's all the same to Hexamorpheus, who delights in your tribute to shattered souls, ghastly demons and, for some reason, vampish Catholic schoolgirls--Hexamorpheus counted nine of them downtown last year! Hexamorpheus wonders what this world is coming to ... but He digresses! Put your good books away and let the sinful carousing begin! Salvation is for sissies!
Temple of the Dead
Hieroglyphics at Catalyst
Dakota Costume Contest With DJ Becca
Freaker's Ball at Don Quixote
The British Invasion at Brookdale Lodge
Tempest at Moe's Alley
JB and Friends at Henfling's
Sonny Boy at the Windjammer
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