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For the Week of
August 10-17, 2005

Cover Story: What the Bleep Does He Know?:
Illuminatus instigator Robert Anton Wilson on life, death and the joy of conspiracy theories.

Nüz: Chair View; Teenage Rampage; Arnie Watch; Forest Talk.

Rev: Grateful He's Dead: If the car is an extension of you, maybe some Deadheads were catching on that the police could easily profile them based on wacky cars and stickers and make the assumption: possession of narcotics.

Something About Murray: In 'Broken Flowers,' director Jim Jarmusch and star Bill Murray do exactly what fans want them to do.

Polish Spring: The Warsaw Village Band brings culture and consonants to the Kuumbwa .

The Rock Show: Hot Hot Heat; Hugh Masekela; Alexandra Montreal benefit.

Culinary Crusade: Tepa-Sahuayo's cuisine is a journey through central Mexico and the history of its people.

Altared States: Shakespeare Santa Cruz serves up a perfect Victorian confection with William S. Gilbert's 'Engaged.'

[Staff Box]
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