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Side Orders: Not to be confused with UC-Santa Cruz indie rock band Sidecar, San Diego's Psydecar plays reggae beats with a touch of Jamiroquai funk.

At the Pawn Shop

Previews of coming attractions: At the Drive-In, Sidecar versus Psydecar and an amusing ThaMuseMeant

By David Espinoza

STOP YOUR GRINNING and drop your linen: Lone Star state homeboys At the Drive-In hit Palookaville with the Lonely Kings July 31. Something this exciting can only be measured in Homer Simpson-esque whoo-hoos. Not to be confused with the Northern California indie outfit Time Spent Driving, At the Drive-In epitomizes a new force in hardcore rock & roll. While two of the band members sport fluffy afros and sideburns that say "Do the hustle" all over, the singers scream like Rage Against the Machine's Zack De La Rocha--minus the rhyming.

Call it a coincidence that the Lonely Kings' Fearless Records album What If? comes from the same Fearless that produced At the Drive-In's Vaya EP released July 1. Lonely Kings front dude Jason Desrochers had mentioned something about playing a show with ATDI a few months back, though my original suggestion of the latter band opening up for the Kings was out of the question. If memory serves, Desrochers said something like, "Hell no, those guys would blow us offstage--we'll go on second."

Two Sides to Every Car

In case you were planning to attend a 21-and-over show at the Catalyst Friday expecting to see a local band called Sidecar, be forewarned. The band playing is Psydecar, and they ain't from 'round here. Sidecar is a femme-fronted modern rock crew based here in SC, Psydecar hails from San Diego and plays gooey reggae beats with a full horn section. Though the former crew had a hit song on the MP3.com website earlier this year, they've disappeared from the public eye. As for Psydecar, like the band's psychedelic name, this earthy five-piece (with some members from Wise Monkey Orchestra) stands to do good business in SC. Vocalist Tim Pacheco has a funkified Jamiroquai streak in him. Add in some fine horn grooves and you've got a righteous get-up-and-dance band perfect for locals. Check out their CD On A Wing.

A Musing

Speaking of earthy stuff, for those who enjoy a good Americana hoedown, wise up and head for the mountains and Henfling's July for a night of sweet tunes from New Mexico's ThaMuseMeant. From frenetic banjo-and-fiddle toe-tapping ditties to relaxed Deadhead bluegrass jams, ThaMuseMeant is all about the live-in-concert experience.

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From the July 12-19, 2000 issue of Metro Santa Cruz.

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