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Can't We All Just Get a Longboard?
It's a wet jungle out there sometimes, but here at Metro Santa Cruz, our wish is for peace on surf this summer, as a longtime local surfer trips through the ABCs of Santa Cruz area surf spots
By Dan Bollwinkel
1. Cowell's
The best place to start out if you're new to the sport, Cowell's offers long gentle waves textbook for longboarding. It's generally understood that Cowell's is the spot for beginner or novice surfers, so the scene in the water is crowded yet generally polite. Easily accessed by stairs off of West Cliff drive or, if you're up to it, by paddling out from the beach north of the Wharf.
2. Capitola Beach
Once again a great place to get started. Just to the left of the small rock jetty is where Capitola usually breaks, offering perfect longboard waves when conditions allow. Probably won't be as crowded as Cowell's, but a lot less wave to go around. Plenty of parking down in the village, but watch out for Capitola Meter Nazis--they hide in the bushes and tickets aren't cheap.
3. The Hook
The southern tip of that charming stretch of rocky shoreline collectively known as Pleasure Point, the Hook is located down the stairs at the end of 41st Avenue. On bigger days, you might get away with a shortboard, but it's generally big sticks out there. Be prepared for a taste of localism. Not recommended for beginners.
4. 36th and East Cliff
The heart of Pleasure Point. Depending on tides and swell, there are lots of waves to be ridden between the Hook and 30th Avenue. The stairs at 36th are generally the central access point. Great varieties of longboard waves, on less crowded days a good place for beginners and experts alike. On weekends it will remind you of the Nimitz Freeway at 5pm on a Monday.
5. Manresa State Beach
Solid beach break as long as the wind stays down, and generally not as crowded as surfing spots within Santa Cruz or Capitola. It can get pretty big when a substantial north swell is rolling in. Watch out for rips.
6. 30th and East Cliff
Experienced surfers only! This is where the Pleasure Point elite surf. There are maybe two or three people on the planet who are allowed out there on a longboard, and they are certainly locals. Great spot for aerials and aggressive rides, spectators welcome.
7. Steamer Lane
By far the most famous surf spot in all of Santa Cruz, but if you want to paddle out at "The Lane," you better be a damn good surfer. On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being friendly, the localism factor at the Lane is an 11. When the swell is up, the lane offers world-class waves, at times reaching triple overhead. It's the most dangerous place to surf in Santa Cruz and people actually die out there on a semiannual basis. Once again, however, it's the best place to watch great surfing pretty much year round. The lane is the stretch of coast off West Cliff between Cowell's and the Lighthouse.
8. Natural Bridges
When the conditions are right, the spot just south of the rock arches of Natural Bridges offers surfing conditions similar to the Lane, except without the crowding out in the water and the local groms on the cliff throwing rocks at you. The only problem is the conditions aren't right that often. It's still a beautiful place to just paddle out and chill in the kelp--tons of marine life and scenery.
9. Highway 1 Between Santa Cruz and Half Moon Bay
If you're interested in a bit of an adventure, just head north out of town on Highway 1 and watch out for waves. It's a great way to avoid crowds, and on any given day one of dozens of "secret" surfing spots is usually breaking. Try Waddell Creek State Beach or Ano Nuevo, or just pull over and hike to the shore anywhere you stop--you may find the perfect wave. Bring a wet suit and a buddy; if you get into any trouble there's usually no one around for miles and plenty of Great Whites to finish the job.
10. Moss Landing
If you've exercised all other options and you don't mind driving halfway to Monterey, Moss Landing offers miles of beach break and, near the harbor entrance, can offer up some killer rides. Usually not crowded, but definitely for more advanced surfers. Again, watch out for rips.
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