For the Week of
April 10-16
Cover: Sweet Science
Jim Nelson's buzzing, blooming world at Camp Joy produces more than a taste of honey.
News: Where Everybody Blows Your Name
Safeway Inc., now the second-largest grocery chain in the nation, wants you to know you have a nice, big friend who cares--really.
Virtual Paradise: Shopping for cyber sights and sounds and some very nice souls.
Green Acres: Community Supported Agriculture mixes green politics and fresh, flavorful harvests in its battle against giant agribusiness.
Sow Sweet It Is: Not all teenagers growing up in the Santa Cruz suburbs does not dream of being a hog farmer.
The Howling Wolf Heads Omm: The death of poet Allen Ginsberg signals one final turn in the revolution of consciousness he helped spin.
Notes From the Underground: Local bands and imports assert themselves once again.
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