For the Week of
February 27-March 5
Literary Quarterly
Between the Covers Story
Lurid paperbacks make a torrid comeback.
A History of the Breast: Historian Marilyn Yalom examines the political and sexual legacy of the creamy orb.
Glass Paper Beans: The poetic invisible meets the cold, hard facts of modern life in Leah Hager Cohen's latest work.
Time Release: Repressed-memory and product-tampering themes add real-world depth to Martin Smith's new thriller.
Punk: The Illustrated History of a Music Revolution: Adrian Boot and Chris Salewicz chronicle the Sex Pistols and the British punk invasion.
Casinos in Space: Online gambling is hitting the Internet in a big way, and both players and gambling site operators are seeking to cash in. Could this herald the end of Reno as we know it? And who will be the winners and losers?
Virtual Paradise: Whatever your needs, local Web sites are rich with interesting information and varied perspectives.
Notes From the Underground: Local barflys, punks and security guards get a double shot of punk--straight to the head.
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