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For the Week of
February 11-18, 2004

Cover: In Love and War:
Geoffrey Dunn sees through 'The Fog of War,' while Richard von Busack likes to watch 'The Dreamers.'

Nüz: 50 picketers formed a conga line outside the Safeway at Mission Street.

Puck Everlasting: Kurt Russell saves ice hockey drama 'Miracle' from its flag-waving excesses.

Med Alert: The explosive arrival of Aptos' tiny Mediterranean club on the music map has put fire back into the belly of the local scene.

The Rock Show: Mates of State.

Eat of Passion: A look at what local chefs are serving up for Valentine's Day.

Black Noodle Days: The final, uncommercialized frontier of Valentine's Day is a world where the carbs go to the loveless.

[Staff Box]
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