For the Week of
January 8-14, 1998
Cover: Unwired
The fine art of resisting technology and being proud of it.
News: Bad as a Hatter
As the EPA considers allowing more mercury contamination in state water, scientists warn of disease and poisoned salmon.
Will to Power: Good Will Hunting serves up sentimentality.
Media Tail: Public gets conned in slick Wag the Dog.
Belgium Truffle: The Ma Vie en Rose take on boys who want to be girls is equal parts cotton candy and injustice.
Notes From the Underground: New Year's Eve, punk drunks and all-ages fun.
Mediterranean Diet Riot: Ten years in business have only fine-tuned the flair and confidence deliciously expressed at Ristorante Avanti.
Shape Shifting on the Edge of Town: Time stands still and even runs backward at Ye Olde Watering Hole.
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