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newspaper cover For the Week of
January 3-10, 2001

Cover: Straight Talk
A Bay Area group offers a questionable treatment program for turning gay men straight.

News: Nüz
Armory hours eased; the campaign is over, but the bus ads linger on.

Bruce Bratton: The future of the Del Mar Theatre; Lockheed Martin makes 10-worst list; this week's movies.

Work: Hollywood sucks, as the real D&D people already know.

Sights & Sounds: Sapos Muertos of Salinas combine machismo with a sense of humor.

Cleaning House: A New Year's ritual confronts Christina Waters with the accumulated culinary detritus of the 12 months gone by.

Nostalgia Notes: The best and worst films of 2000 looked toward the past in setting, theme and style--Richard von Busack sorts through the results.

Beatle Position: The rerelease of 'A Hard Day's Night' confirms the greatness of the Beatles.

Weekly World Web: Finally, we have proof of a Muppet's heart of darkness.

[Staff Box]
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