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Letters to the Editor
No Sympathy
Re "Guitar Anti-heroes" (Cover Story, Nov. 21): I'm having difficulty having sympathy for a group that can't even figure out what their time is actually worth. Sweatshop implies slave labor, which is not the case here as these musicians were free to do the work or not. Nice effort creating a problem where there is none.
The workers got the pay they negotiated for. Not the pay offered to "overseas" musicians that don't exist. Should companies work toward zero profit? Instead dividing up all the money made off of projects to their employees? If a black van kidnaps musicians for forced labor, I'll lend an ear. Until then you might want to focus on reality instead of the high-tech "sweatshops" that exist only in your head.
David Dorcich
Sweatshop Or Nothing
Re "Guitar Anti-heroes": You forgot one very important issue regarding the "sweatshop" laborers: supply and demand.
Not only are we as creative types pressured from overseas competition, but also right here at home. "Media Arts" schools like Expression and Full Sail are churning out far more entry-level media arts grads than ever before. Are there real jobs for all these grads? Of course not.
So, for the few of us lucky enough to actually have a job in the video game profession, you'd better bet your ass that I'm not jeopardizing my job. Considering that there are probably 1,000 qualified artists ready to take my job if I leave, the idea of asking for better pay, fewer hours (60+ per week) or royalties (ha ha ha!) is pretty absurd.
A Musical Sweatshop Worker
San Francisco
Wild About It
Thank you so much for your comprehensive article about Coyote Valley proposed development written by Vrinda Normand ("Running Wild," MetroNews, Nov. 21). The reporter did an excellent job of researching how the DEIR contract was let and how it was written. Her reporting shows the imperfections in San Jose's draft environmental impact study process as well as the results.
Mary Davey
Director, Ward 2
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Coyote Valley: Do It Right
Re "Running Wild": It sounds to me like De Anza College has done the real research on this project and is not only qualified but would save a lot of money, too.
I think that you should have De Anza College do the entire report for the city and county. It seems that they are not only straightforward, but it is completely fair to both sides of this project. They have several instructors that have done these types of studies before for the state via the Fish and Game Department.
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