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Letters to the Editor

Get Off Dave

Regarding Garrett Wheeler's brief article on the Dave Matthews Band's upcoming concert at the Greek Theater (Music, Sept. 3), I was very disappointed to read how down he was on one of the most respected (primarily for keeping their prices low and always having a positive attitude), consistent (never let a year go by without a tour and thus, no need for a "reunion") and energetic performers on the concert circuit today. In no way does this band "sound about as congruent as peanut butter and cheese." In fact, it's the exact opposite. If Wheeler had seen the same three-hour general admission show I had on Friday, Sept. 5, in a theater that's a third of the size of the Shoreline—a venue DMB easily sells out—the writer might have felt he had made a mistake. There was sense of resentment in the article from Wheeler, almost as if he was still writing for his school newspaper and was assigned a feature on the smart and talented, but good-natured, class president and still was not impressed. By taking his broken dreams of becoming a rock star out on DMB, Wheeler might have been aware that the picture used in the article is dated. On the far left is saxophonist LeRoi Moore, who passed away last month. But when you're filled with anger and jealousy, it's hard to think objectively and pay attention to detail.

Adam Henig

San Jose

Footing the Bill

Re "Unreal Estate" (MetroNews, Sept. 10): Thanks for detailing the frauds. I hope someone goes to jail. We are paying for this through the Fannie Mae bail-out.

Ken Best

San Jose

No Homes, No Justice

Re "Unreal Estate": I don't understand why more people like Maria Avila are not indicted and put in jail and forfeit everything she owns. After that she should be deported.

I don't approve of illegal immigration, but I approve less of people like Maria Avila who take advantage of these people. California is rampant with mortgage fraud. Even now people seem to be reluctant to bring these people to trial. The district attorneys' offices in many California towns should be ashamed that they are not doing more to bring these people to justice. Makes you wonder how much fraud the politicians are involved in.

Joseph Dobbs

Rock Hill, S.C.

Umami Connection

Re "Meet Your Umami" (Cover Story, Sept. 3): It is very nice to see the result of Umami Symposium. I contacted Shoichi Shiono at Nami Nami when I had email from Kyoto Kicho Japan (Tokuoka, chef of the celebrated Kyoto restaurant Kitcho). Shoichi was young and energetic—ambitious to participate in the event. I am sure this newspaper article will be helpful for his success. Thank you very much.

Kumiko Iwasawa

Los Gatos

Why No on 8 Matters

Voting no on Prop. 8 would benefit everyone. Most of Americans are close-minded, ignorant people that can't be accepting of others. But the new generation, they're starting to realize that it's about love—and not gender. Banning marriage toward gays and lesbians would mean taking away rights of people who don't deserve that. We are humans, just like any other straight, or heterosexual, person. Taking away marriage for us would mean not being able to visit our girl/boyfriends in the hospital when they are sick or injured. There are other rights, just like that, that would be taken away if we didn't have the right to get married. It's just like taking away black people's rights to get married, or any other "group" like that. It pains me to see that we even have to deal with this issue. I'm 14 years old and I've been exposed to things that seem like they shouldn't even have to be dealt with. Love is love. I am gay, and what if in four or five or six years I want to get married to a woman that I fall totally head over heels with, and aren't able to just because some people that don't understand won't let me? It's cruel. It's wrong ... If people would understand this, I think that the whole world would be a more peaceful place to live in. Right now, it's torture. It's embarrassing to be who you want to be.

We need hope.

Ale Kat L.

San Jose