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Letters to the Editor

Mood Wring

Re "Fong vs. Caserta: The Race That Could Change the Face of Silicon Valley" (Cover Story, March 5): This is the best analysis I have read about this tough race. It is fair and unbiased and captured the mood of the voters in Cupertino (part of the 22nd Assembly District) who seem to be tired of cliches and politics as usual. Thanks so much.

Ruby Elbogen


No Waite

I was quite disappointed that your article ("Teflon Mann," MetroNews, May 7) failed to mention the most credible candidate opposing Mr. Mann. Pat Waite has been brewing a storm with his prowess and insight on the issues. Where all the other candidates are really good at telling us about their political roles and why their experience makes them good candidates, Pat talks about the issues with insight unseen in the others.

I attended a recent candidate forum at Evergreen Valley High School where I knew all the other candidates but Pat. Pat won me over hands down with his real-world answers to the questions posed to the panel. The other candidates were really good at answering an issue question with "... since I have experience at zzzzzz, I am the best candidate to solve the issue." Pat answered the questions with real answers.

Michael Gabler

San Jose

Credibility Gap

Re "Teflon Mann": In your article about Craig Mann and his numerous scandals, you noted that he is "up against six other credible candidates in the June 3 primary," but you only name three of the six other candidates.

You failed to mention Pat Waite, who is clearly the most qualified candidate for the District 8 Council Seat. His 20-plus years of high-level experience in finance in major corporations will be of benefit to the City Council and their perennial budget problems.

In contrast to Mr. Mann and some of the other candidates in the race, Pat's financial acumen and personal integrity are without question.

Carol Grady

San Jose

By the Time We Get to Phoenix

Re Love your site! Wish we had something like it in AZ.

Lee Senter

Phoenix, Ariz.

Sorry, Lee, there is nothing like it. Accept no substitutions.—Editor

98 vs. 99

Proposition 99 is the one true eminent domain reform measure on the June 3 ballot. This measure will prevent the government from taking a home through eminent domain to be transferred to a private developer. This strong reform provides ironclad protections for California homeowners, and is a direct response to the U.S. Supreme Court's outrageous decision that allowed the government to take homes for private development.

Unlike Prop. 98, the hidden agendas scheme on the June 3 ballot that would eliminate rent control and renter protections, Proposition 99 is honest and powerful reform that will protect California homeowners.

Proposition 99 is supported by AARP, the League of Women Voters of California, the League of California Homeowners, the California Alliance for Retired Americans and dozens of respected organizations representing seniors, business and labor, public safety, environmental groups and many others. On June 3, vote yes on Proposition 99 to protect homeowners from eminent domain.

Pat Stephens


Spoiler Warning

Regarding the review of "The Forbidden Kingdom" ("Kingdom Gone," MetroFilm, April 16): Did the reviewer actually finish the movie?

The second-to-last line of the review is "Still, it's strange to see the Taoist offering up a Zen koan (the one about how a full cup can't be filled) or to see a Buddhist assaulting his rival by pissing on him and his sacred scroll." Which seems an odd statement, since the "Taoist" isn't (he's a fake who failed his exams) and the "Buddhist" isn't either (he's a double of the Monkey King well before his meeting with Buddha).

Seems fishy.

Karl Hsu

San Jose

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