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Agreement/Conditions between
Artist & Gallery

Entry Procedure

 ·      Submission form
·      Two images per person:
—CD entries must be JPGs
—Save files with artist's last name and title of image
—Contact information should be on both on the CD and CD Case

Please note that CDs will not be returned.

Mail or Deliver to: Metro Silicon Valley
Deborah Arajs: theme (theme name)
550 S. First St.
San Jose, CA 95113
Questions: contact Deborah Arajs at [ mailto:[email protected] ][email protected]


All work must be framed or mounted and ready to hang. Metro will take all necessary precautions in handling and caring for all work within the exhibit, however, Metro will not be held responsible for any loss or damage to artist's work while in the exhibit as well as en route to or from the exhibit. Metro sets a 30 percent commission on all works for sale to be deducted from original price set by artist so please price your work accordingly.

Please submit work on/before deadline July 29, 2009

Exhibition on view August 7, 2009

Pickup of work July 24–30, 2009


1. Exhibit Hours

Every first Friday of the month, reception '8 til late'.

Exhibit will be open to public from 10am–4:30pm Mon–Fri. 

2. Display Space and Artist's Participation

A. Not limited to size requirements; however, space is limited, so please be considerate regarding the size of your pieces.

B. Submission Fee: $0

C. Artist's participation and requirements: Work with Metro on dates, reception and other duties necessary to present exhibit to its best advantage. Metro will, at its own expense, send invitations to its own mailing list. Refreshments at opening will be provided by Metro. 

3. Commission and Pricing of Work

  a. Metro sets a 30 percent commission on all works for sale to be deducted from original price set by artist. Sales tax collected and remitted by Metro on each sale.

  b. Artist to price own work with commission included.

c. Pricing should reflect overall feel of rest of Exhibit. Overpricing and underpricing are discouraged.

d. All work to be identified properly with price tags.

e. Framing will not be removed to sell a piece of work for a lower price.


1. Artist's Work:  

a. Photos represented in Metro will be of the artist's original work. All works must be printed on high quality paper. No digital files accepted. Minimum photo manipulations only; no paint simulations.

b. Framed art will be professionally presented: no damaged work, frames or glass. Ready to hang. If framed, we prefer the use of thin, light black frames due to weight. NO LOOSE PRINTS, please.

c. All images should be labeled with artist's name, date, materials, dimensions and price. Labels will be provided by Metro.

4. Inventory  

a. A blank inventory list will be provided to each artist to complete for all pieces that will be on display during the exhibit. Artist will record a stock number to each piece of work as well as provide each piece of work with appropriate price sticker showing stock number and price.

5. Shipping  

a. Shipping costs of purchased art will be paid by customer.  

.b Shipping and packing expenses for transporting artist's work to and from Metro is responsibility of artist.

6. Insurance  

Metro will take all necessary precautions in handling and caring for all work within the exhibit; however, Metro will not be held responsible for any loss or damage to artist's work while in the exhibit as well as en route to or from the exhibit. It is the responsibility of each artist to carry his/her own insurance. It is suggested you contact your insurance agent.

7. Termination of Contract  

a. DEADLINE: All work must be submitted on the last Wednesday of each month.

b. Participants shall, under no circumstances, include any inappropriate or offensive nudity, political, religious or racial work.

c. Metro reserves right to terminate contract with artist at any time of breach of contract as stated above, not excluding other reasons that may see fit for the betterment of the exhibit.

d. No refunds on submission fees.  

e. Artist is to remove work at his/her own expense within 36 hours of termination date. Work not removed after 14 days will become property of Metro to dispose of it as it sees fit.

8. Damage/Loss Waiver for Metro and Artist:  

Artist agrees to waive Metro from any and all claims for liability or damages of any kind. Likewise, Metro agrees to waive the artist for claims for liability or damages of any kind. Metro will not be liable or responsible for any damage to or loss of the artist's works that occurs on the premises regardless of the cause of such damage or loss. The artist agrees to not seek remedy against Metro.

9. Prize  

The winner will be featured in an article within the paper as well as on The artist's work will also be able to stay in the Exhibit for extra month.

Submissions may be mailed or hand-delivered to:

Deborah Arajs
Metro Silicon Valley
550 S. First St.
San Jose, CA 95113


Consignment Agreement Artworks List


 Title                        Medium              Dimensions            Price           Metro Commission



This contract is agreed upon from this date, ______ to, _______ between "Artist":__________________________________________________________ Address:__________________________________________________________ Phone:_____________________ Email:_________________________________    

Artist:__________________________________________  Metro Representative: _______________________________________

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