Features & Columns
San Jose Pride 2013

Marriage equality isn't the end-all, be-all: it's certainly not the end of work for equal rights, nor could it ever be all that defines a highly diverse community. And it's also not a fait accompli: in the U.S., 34 states prohibit same-sex marriage.
Achieving equal rights is still a fight on many other fronts, too. Campbell mayor Evan Low is raising awareness of the fact that gay and bisexual men are prohibited from donating blood due to a relatively recent law. Last month, Low hosted a blood drive in which he and a fellow councilman couldn't participate.
Since the June repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act, and the end of the marriage ban imposed by Prop. 8, after years of legal struggles marriage equality is on more certain ground in California: that's something new to celebrate at Pride (and couples can even say "I do" at the festival's Matrimonial Grove). There are plenty of non-matrimonial ways to enjoy Pride, including lots of dancing to festival headliners Crystal Waters, David Hernandez and Jessica Sutta of the Pussycat Dolls.
But whether it's at Pride, at City Hall or a ceremony on the beach, many couples are embracing their first opportunity to "make it legal," like the recently married Trish and Eve Kedar, as they can now be assured of being recognized, by law, as the spouses that they are.
And that's something to celebrate.
Wedding March: Santa Clara's First Marriage After Prop. 8
Eve and Trish Kedar, by chance, were the first same-sex couple married in Santa Clara County after the ban was lifted in late June.... read more
Evan Low on His Fight for LGBT Equality
As the mayor of Campbell, providing for the welfare of the general public is a top priority. As a gay man I am conflicted in my advocacy for blood drives... read more
It's hard to believe San Jose Pride is already celebrating its 38th anniversary. As always, in addition to speakers, vendors and general festivities, there will be plenty of music...read more