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'One-State' no solution
Why not indeed a "One-State Solution" (Open Mic, July 7)? The state of Israel was created to fulfill the 2,000-year yearning of the Jewish people for a state of their own, where they will be able to live as a nation, same as all other people on this earth. Jews constitute the majority—80 percent presently—of the population of Israel, and they are entitled to the same self-determination rights that, I assume, the writer would grant to any other nationality.
The writer makes a huge mistake confusing the issues of a peaceful resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the so-called one-state solution. A majority of the Jewish population is in favor of a Palestinian state based on the 1967 borders and living in peace with Israel. Almost none of them is in favor of the one-state solution that runs against their national aspirations.
Last point: the Gaza flotilla. Gaza is free and has been so since 2005, when Israel withdrew its army and all settlers from it. Since then, the Hamas, which rules Gaza, has conducted numerous acts of war against Israel. This is the same Hamas that in its charter opposes any idea of peace and preaches killing Jews wherever they are. There is no precedent in international law requiring a combatant state to allow the passage of goods to its enemies, and international law allows imposing an embargo. Despite that, Israel continues to allow the flow of humanitarian goods to Gaza and to supply most of its electricity. The rest is just propaganda.
Reuven Segev
San Rafael
Friends don't let friends steal their quotes
Last week, the Bohemian wrote a fabulous article about the Rivertown Revival ("Reviving the River," July 14). I'm afraid in the interview I gave to Caroline Osborn, I foolishly used a phrase that is widely associated with the amazing Handcar Regatta. Regatta co-founder Spring Maxfield always says, "We are throwing the party we want to attend!" The truth is, she said this to me recently when we were out and it apparently stuck—it's a pretty good line, you have to admit. So I subconsciously stashed it, used it in your article. Of course it was unintentional, but when a friend pointed it out to me, I felt terrible and wanted to publicly apologize to her and all the hard-working, fabulously creative folks over at the Handcar Regatta. My most sincere apologies.
Kelin Backman
Rivertown Revivalist
Dept. of REalizing that He's Even Crazier Than We Thought
So: Remember "Average Town Bill" Bradley whom Anna Schuessler profiled last week? ("What Makes Bill Run?" July 14.) Dude who is currently—right now, in July—running through Death Valley, careful to tread only on the painted line down the center of the road so that the soles of his shoes don't actually melt as he goes? That guy?
Yeah, well, two things: (a) He has a publicist; and (b) he is far more whack than we could begin to wrap our heads around.
Said publicist asks to clear up a few important points. Anna stated that his current goal is to complete a 135-mile race beginning in Death Valley and ending on Mt. Whitney, an elevation change of some 8,500 feet, because certainly any other figure is surely a misprint. Turns out, she got that shit all wrong.
Bradley is actually running 292 miles (in 130 degree heat) for a total elevation change of 14,495. Did we mention that the man just turned 50? Death Valley, indeed. Perhaps we should retitle this correction "Dept. of Rooting a Man on to Athletic Suicide"? Fingers crossed not.
In far happier news, it pains us not at all to announce that Gabe Meline's solo blog, City Sound Inertia (bohemian.com/citysound), has won first place for such from the Association of Alternative Newsweeklies. The Boho itself placed second in the "Special Sections" category for our Best of the North Bay 2009 issue. It ain't Mt. Whitney in melted shoes, but we'll take it. Yay, Gabe!
The Ed.
Thoroughly iced down and panting
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