The Best of Silicon Valley 2012
Best Body Art
Best Tattoo Parlor
1411 W. San Carlos St., San Jose. At Humble Beginnings, tattoos are done mostly by appointment with the individual ink artists, and usually after a serious consultation. That kind of commitment to the art form has earned Humble Beginnings top honors from readers.
Marks of Art 3014 Union Ave., San Jose
Analog Tattoo 34 S. First St., San Jose
Best Piercing Place
3014 Union Ave. #B, San Jose. Pierced Out practices gun control. That is, they do careful, high-quality needle piercings that are light years away from the piercing-gun nonsense most of us mallrats grew up thinking was the be-all, end-all. From the consultation to the precision work, to the promise of a treat afterward, everything at Pierced Out is top of the line.
Body Exotic 957 W. San Carlos St., San Jose
Humble Beginnings 1411 W. San Carlos St., San Jose