9/5/2002: Blocklisted: Where did the Squid List go? 8/29/2002: Fear of Necco: Working-class rubs elbows with sci-tech in Cambridge. 8/22/2002: Alien Sexcapades: Is humankind brutally, hopelessly stupid? 8/15/2002: Dark Net: The black E-market. 8/8/2002: Abnormal Technology: Robot shrinks. 8/1/2002: Women and Men: Is it hot in here? 7/25/2002: Feeling TIPSy? Inform on your friends and family! 7/18/2002: Geek Zoo: What the animals do when they get together. 7/11/2002: Reputation System: MUD nostalgia. 7/4/2002: Dotcom Sentimentality: Ephemera from an era gone by. 6/27/2002: What is Brain? Sometimes science journalism is nothing but a cheap 'Star Trek' episode. 6/20/2002: A New Hope: Rampant butt butchering, virtual deer-slaughter and anti-corporate graffiti can make a day seem brighter. 6/13/2002: Robots Who Cry: Machines have feelings too. 6/6/2002: Fanfic of the Damned: Kirk does Spock! Scully does Mulder! Xena does Gabrielle! Yoda does Obi Wan! 5/30/2002: Empire of VeriSign: We control the horizontal; we control the vertical 5/23/2002: Revenge of the Wonks: Every good geek becomes a wonk in the end 5/16/2002: Murder on the Net: Laws intended to protect sometimes perpetrate violence 5/9/2002: Biohazards: Ethical questions are swarming 5/2/2002: Fascists: Strange dreams 4/25/2002: Perfect Paranoia: Are you being logged? 4/18/2002: No Futurism: Where did the future come from? 4/11/2002: Learning From AOL: AOL is the Las Vegas of the Internet. 4/4/2002: Swag Check: Just call it free stuff 3/28/2002: GREP, AWK, PS: What culture will we create with our new language? 3/21/2002: New New Wave: Remember who controls technology 3/14/2002: Human Copyrights: Copyrights have become tangled up with human rights 3/7/2002: I Hate Everything: Unmasking the man behind the porn curtain 2/28/2002: Blog Anxiety: Voyeurism and delivering news guerrilla-style 2/21/2002: The Protein and Marilyn: Don't let your education fail you 2/14/2002: My Friend Glorja: Messing with e-mail scammers 2/7/2002: Genome Hackers: So, what the hell is bioinformatics? 1/31/2002: Robots are Everywhere: Everybody wants a sex robot, everybody wants to become a robot 1/24/2002: Plug and Play: No installation required, no introductions necessary 1/17/2002: Obscene Community: Be 'obscene', go to jail 1/10/2002: Science Voyeur: Not all science is as visible and tangible as we might like 1/3/2002: geeks.ca: The computer is affecting migration patterns
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