[Metroactive Features]

[Silicon Valley]
[Santa Cruz]
[San Francisco]
[East Bay]

Features and Web Exclusives from 1997

The end of hip

Return of the Spanish Flu Virus

Street to designer fashions

1997 news retrospective: Silicon Valley and Santa Cruz

San Jose's ex-Mayor Tom McEnery

Faith, hope and charity photo essay

The religious left

How the Fortune 400 got rich

Anti-smoking laws

An irreverent 1997 in review

Canned food donations

Fast-tracker turns loser

California's statutory rape laws

Bartering among low-paid workers

Women as goddesses and whores

Obsessed with being online

Public surveillance cameras

Unabomber trial

Nike boycotts

Rosicrucian Order

Sierra Club president Adam Werbach

Traffic court

Seized firearms

Seals and sea lion slaughter

Holiday avoidance techniques

Teen bashing

Mom's fridge

Skeptic debunks the paranormal


S.F. as bedroom community

Rise of modern neo-fascism

Street kids at Hippie Corner

Queer punk rock movement

Bilingual education

Rock stars at the Phoenix Hotel

Housing horror stories

Celtic Halloween

Reflections on death

AIDS and protease inhibitors

Che Guevara

Chelsea Clinton at Shoreline

Juvenile Hall

Rental shortages

Paintball wars

Campaign cash

Media and democracy

Masters Institute

Identity theft

Janet Reno and the White House tapes

Christian evangelicals

Sun Microsystems vs. Agnews Developmental Center

Social Security and Gen. X

Smoking and young people

Alan Chadwick's Garden at UCSC

Organic farms

Washington whistleblowers

Latinos and malt liquor

Apology to African Americans

The F word

Al Gore's presidential hopes

Post-Cold War Oliver North

Pesticides in Sonoma County

Sonoma's Jive 3 writing contest

Police dogs

Smoking and young adults

Santa Cruz student survival issue, including coffeehouses and students discounts

Booty Crack magazine

Mounted police officers

Politicians naming buildings after themselves

Teenagers under attack

Television documentaries

Fun and sleazy TV

Buffy the Vampire Slayer


Smart TV today

Best of the Santa Clara Valley 1997

What's in the water?

Toxic water pollution

Point Año Nuevo's sharks

Revival of Jean-Luc Godard's Contempt

Twenty four hours with the police

Ecosystem report on the Russian River

The growth of Las Vegas

Lounge is dead

Corporate benefits packages

Neal Cassady's house is demolished

Santa Cruz locals versus "the Valleys"

The state of Monterey Bay

Peacocks at home

Greenpeace's recent problems

Today's American dream home

The pro-fat movement

Professional women's baseball in San Jose

Susie Bright and nudists

Colonics and internal cleansing

Being tardy

Gays and anti-abortionists

PETA protests Oscar Mayer

Surviving the lows of junior high

Congress suggests commemorative coins

All about grumpiness, plus, grumps on film and in Santa Clara County and Santa Cruz

The 5th World Congress of Orisa

Professional women's basketball

Who's running the Monterey Bay Marine Sanctuary?

The killing of a misidentified goat-herder

Who really shot Martin Luther King, Jr.?

San Francisco defies fashion trends

Sonoma County's hi-tech invasion

A Metroactive special report on welfare reform, including California's new reform law, and how Santa Clara and Santa Cruz counties are effected; immigrants and food stamps; a photo essay; and inside views from a reluctant welfare mother, a lifelong welfare recipient and a welfare adult without kids.

Homeless living in county campgrounds

Roller derby queen, Ann Calvello

Rental ad madness

Progressives versus fringe artists

Contract with America mistakes

Dealing with depression, on and off Prozac

Growing medical marijuana

Climbing Santa Rosa's urban structures

Censorship in the county library system

Behind the nickname of a Martian rock

Dumpster diving for fun and profit

Historic buildings of the South Bay, past and present and threatened

Hollister's famous biker rally

Organic coffee growing

Organic beer, wine and spirits

Organ donation and organ-harvesting

Potbelly pigs as pets

Alternative art galleries

How to be a hip homebody

Does love equal happiness?

Girl fights anorexia with punk rock

Customer service at Safeway

Milpitas: the city of the future

Cuban band Los Van Van

Leon Panetta for governor

Confessions of a surfing mom

Amature car racing

College grads working behind the counter

The motivation industry

Illegal skate parks

Post-grads in public service

African-American mystery writer Walter Mosley

Watching TV in bars

Eating in the great outdoors

Walks on the wild side Santa Cruz

San Jose International Airport expansion

NASA's Mae Jemison

Zaire's Marshal Mobutu Sese Seko

Big band swing revival

Millennium approaches

Pepper-spray use

Linus Torvalds, creator of Linux

Gaza Bowen's shoe art

Gay moms raising happy families

Mediterranean odyssey to Crete

The character of Napa wine country

Hawaiian bugs bite back


NOW president Patricia Ireland

PBS' Earth Day documentary on nuclear power

Foreign plants species invade the ecosystem

Radio talk-show host and author Shann Nix

An ex-Clintonite on welfare reform

Agnews Developmental Center closes

Gen X golfing

The Church of Satan

An interview with Lynne Stopkewich, director of Kissed

Allen Ginsberg tribute, past articles and appreciations by the Metro's editor, a writer and the publisher, plus web links

San Jose politicians' expense accounts

Rehab for domestic violence

Critical Mass bicyclists

The end of the world

Are you a dork?

Mail-order brides

David Cronenberg's film Crash

Project Censored

An interview with Fred Willard from Waiting for Guffman

Upset scientists and global warming

Excerpt from The First $20 Million Is Always the Hardest by Po Bronson, plus web links

Remembering Earth First!'s Judi Bari

San Francisco's most romantic hotels

African-Americans' academic performance

An interview with Hamlet's Kenneth Branagh and Derek Jacobi

Surfing in Santa Cruz

Santa Cruz housing crunch

The Sex Issue, featuring a dominatrix, a gay Christian fundamentalist, sexy music, sexy food and a new Kama Sutra

Removing gang tattoos

Resident oppose logging

Erosion of personal privacy

An interview with Sergei Bodrov, director of Prisoner of the Mountains

Tantric celibacy in marriage

Contra Dawn Dance

San Francisco's 50 most annoying people

Transsexual men

The creator of "Louie, Louie"

Starbucks and tax revenues

Corporate influence on the news

Corporations and livestock breeds

The Three Stooges

Herbal remedy craze

Aqua hockey

Ten-minute workouts

Auto mechanics

Military spending

Wal-Mart music censorship

Tango lessons

Evita fever

H.P. Lovecraft and Robert E. Howard

Cyber libertarians

TV fans online

Deep Space Nine writer Robert Wolfe

Current features and web exclusives

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