Vampyres Only
Okay, non-vampyres can visit, too, but they'd better watch their necks. This is one of biggest and best web sites for cape-wearing, coffin-sleeping, bat-fancying, pale-faced, pointy-toothed, Children of the Night. Under the "Interview With a Vampyre" heading, you'll find everything you never wanted to know about these blood-suckers, from vampyre physiology and psychology to biographies of vampyric historical figures. Other sections include vampyre book recommendations, film reviews, folklore and legends, lots of fiction (from the classics to fan fiction), TV show listings, a picture gallery, vampyric drink recipes (for those bored with plain blood), even vampyre shopping, plus links to other vampyre web pages. While you're there, get out a pen and take the "Vampyre Probability Test," "Vampyre Vulnerability Test," and/or the "Human/Vampyre Compatibility Test." The first one tells you if you are a vampyre; the second one figures out how susceptible you are to being the victim of a vampyre; and the third one is for mortals and vampyres who want to be friends with each other (without one of them becoming cocktails). They're all appropriately silly and a little self-mocking, which is a pleasant contrast to the pretensions inherent in many of those who would be vampyres. (TLB)
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