
Taco Bell Net

Certain of us may enjoy the occasional trip to McDonald's, though we usually won't admit it, and Kentucky Fried Chicken can be a greasy, guilty pleasure. But Taco Bell is the one fast food chain that actually has fans. They love the place! Enough to take up valuable bandwidth to honor their beloved purveyor of dirt-cheap pseudo-Mexican cuisine. The cult of the 49 cent bean burrito consists largely of white male college kids and that seems to be the genus perpetrating this site. The creators quick to point out that they are in no way affiliated with Taco Bell and that "Taco Bell" is a registered trademark of Pepsico. But that doesn't stop them from making liberal use of the all-too-familiar logo. Nutritional information, such as it is, can be located here, but my favorite piece is a true-life story, actually two stories, about meeting the Ramones at Taco Bell, reportedly the band's chow stop of choice on tour. You can also fill out a petition to bring back the real 7-layer Burrito, not the new pantywaist "light" offering. (JV)

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