
Grinch Net

Dr. Seuss, one of the 20th Century's great literary figures (seriously), wrote one of the sweetest, funniest Christmas stories ever, "How the Grinch Stole Christmas," back in 1957. Almost 40 years later, up springs a Web site devoted to all things Grinchy. Most of this particular site consists of downloadable jpegs of various Seuss-rendered scenes from the story. But, via a link, there is available the complete Seuss book, with pictures and, most importantly, dozens of sound clips from the perennial TV special with Boris Karloff's immortal interpretation of the voice of the Grinch, whose "heart was two sizes too small." The complete lyrics to "You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch" ("You're a nasty wasty skunk/Your heart is full of unwashed socks/Your soul is full of gunk, Mr. Grinch") are also available for downloading. Further Seussiana, with text files of most of Seuss's major works, can be had on Cyber Seuss. But the holiday spirit starts here. (JV)

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