Refuse and Resist!
The Internet's getting a lot of bad ink these days for all the right wing kooks (allegedly) using it to vent their white male anger and plan their next Amtrak derailment. But there's room on the Net for lefty crackpots too. And I use that term in the most respectful sense. Much of the New York-based Refuse and Resist is an online exercise in protest pamphleteering. In fact some of the text is from actual leaflets which are available here in Adobe Acrobat .pdf format. R 'n' R can't be faulted for a lack of thoroughness, however. When it hits an issue, it hits it hard with lots of meat to back up the exclamation-point-peppered rhetoric. The highlight, and the bulk, of the site is what may be the most extensive archive available on Mumia Abu Jamal, the Philadelphia activist on death row for killing a cop--a charge that Jamal and his legions of backers say was trumped up to "neutralize" him politically. (JV)
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