
San Narciso Community College
Thomas Pynchon Home Page

One of the web's more intriguing literary resources. Claremont, California, devotees of the "reclusive author" dig up a surprising amount of info on their ne'er-seen hero, though much of it falls in the "supposedly," category: He lives in New York where rumor has it he's married to his agent. But he lived in Aptos, Calif., for a decade. His long-awaited fourth novel Vineland probably did not take 14 years to write and in fact may have been "cranked out." Nirvana's megahit "Smells Like Teen Spirit" may have been inspired by a passage from Gravity's Rainbow, "Ah, they do bother him, these free women in their teens, their spirits are so contagious." (I thought it was inspired by a deodorant stick.) Plus bibliographical data and critical evaluations of the not-prolific Pynchon's six books. (JV)

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