The "Paul is Dead" Story
The hottest rumor of the late '60s was that Paul McCartney died in a car accident at the height of the Beatles' popularity and the band plugged a lookalike (or in some versions of the tale, an android) into his slot. Beatle freaks went into a frenzy poring over album covers with magnifying glasses, spinning Beatle LPs backwards and deconstructing song lyrics in a quest for "clues" supposedly planted by the surviving lads that revealed their departed bassist's fate. The author of this text file recounts the alleged death story and compiles every conceivable "clue." Most are a stretch, but they do reveal a staggering number of death references in Beatle tunes. I had no idea the Fab Four were quite so morbid. Some of the clues are pretty creepy. The author claims that the word "Beatles" on the Magical Mystery Tour reveals a phone number when held to a mirror. When he dialed the number, all those years ago, he heard the message, "You're getting closer..." before the line went dead. There's even a John Lennon death clue. Supposedly in a booklet enclosed with the same MMT LP, Lennon is pictured standing next to a sign that reads, "The best way to go is by MD&C." Fourteen years later M(ark) D(avid) C(hapman) showed Lennon where to go. Yikes! (JV)
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