Many a Web site will rapidly persuade you that pixels are as easily wasted as paper. Not FEED. This outstanding Web zine actually works like a fish in water. Click on FEED and glimpse the potential of hypertext. Not only does this New York-based e-zine hit all the au courrant wired issues from refreshingly unexpected angles--it uses the hypertext medium better than just about any other Web site out there. A recent feature gathered a panel of hypertext aficionados and skeptics to speculate on the cultural consequences of electronic text. Each participant sounded off, and then responded to fellow panelists via hypertext links tagged to specific passages. The resulting debate--comments within comments within comments--was a bit dizzying, sometimes frustratingly digressive, usually nonlinear (just like real life), always extremely fascinating--and light years ahead of the one-dimensional discussions that inhabit the analog pages of traditional magazines. (JW)
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