The Avenger's Front Page
Revenge may well be a dish best served cold, but there's no reason there can't be some variety on the menu. Based in Norway (so the English is a little awkward), the Avenger serves up all flavors of make 'em pay schemes. For entertainment purposes only, of course. Example: "Get a newspaper, cut out some death notices or articles about people who have died (e.g. gotten killed). Send them to the person with a letter telling how fun it was to kill the person in the article." (That one comes with the caveat, "This is very illegal! Don't get caught!" Wise counsel.) There's an article about a diuretic drug that turns your urine a bright orange and man, does it stain! Drop a tab of that, sit back and watch the fun! A lot of the suggestions here, sad to say, are sort of uninspired (jamming sandpaper in someone's floppy drive) and some are just plain sophmoric (you can guess what those are). But there is the occasional inspired gem good for a million laughs. And in keeping with the digital theme, the "handbook' includes instructions for forging e-mail, another flagrant illegality. This is the type of thing that gives Diane Feinstein aneurysms. (JV)
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