Mos Def, Elements Fashion Show & Stage Babes
EVENT OF THE WEEK: Elements Fashion Show. The new City Hall Rotunda has rapidly become a downtown San Jose focal point. Saturday, the striking new building (which looks especially cool and spaceshiplike when its curved support ribs are illuminated) is the setting for a fashion show highlighting the cutting edge of the sartorial arts. The show (of which Metro is one of the sponsors) is a benefit for the Salvation Army, Freedom and Next Door Solutions for Domestic Violence. (MSG) Elements - Rotunda at City Hall; 200 E. Santa Clara St, San Jose;; Sat - 7pm; $25.

FIGHT CLUB: No Class? Untrue we say, watch two grown men club each other in the Barrera vs Juarez fight on 42-inch plasmas and then get taken to school by hotties in above-the-knee skirts and thigh-high socks handing out demerits if you don't sport your prep school best... and that goes for you too ladies. Saturday May 20, doors at 6pm, Taste Ultra Lounge, 87 N. San Pedro St., San Jose. Cost: The fight's free, cover will kick in later (around 9pm) for $5, but it might be a sellout, so show up before the bell rings.
San Jose Club Gallery
Nightlife scenes from bars and clubs in downtown San Jose and the surrounding area.
MOS DEF GOES TO STANFORD: The amount of time a musical artist spends hanging around on movie sets with Leonardo DiCaprio and Mark Wahlberg is in inverse proportion to the quality of his subsequent stage performances. Mos Def is most definitely a textbook example of this phenomenon. The once promising artist, whose early efforts with Talib Kweli and Black Jack Johnson were subsequently eclipsed by Hollywood's lure, last time meandered around a crowded stage performing listless hip-hop karaoke. With artists like Dead Prez's M1 and Kweli turning in riveting live performances lately, here's hoping Mos Def will put out a little more effort this time around. (BF) Sunday May 21, 4pm at Forst Amphitheatre, Galvez and Campus Drive, Stanford; 650.725.ARTS. Tickets: $18-$28.
BEAUTIFUL BUNNY BABIES: XXX Divas bring the Playboy Bikini Show to Studio 8 in downtown San Jose, featuring Playboy Top 100 Babe of the Month Shannon Malone. Show up and see why Hydroxycut is still a big seller on the net. Friday May 19, 9pm at Studio 8, 8 S. First St., San Jose.

CHILL OUT AND RAMP UP: Party number 2 of the already infamous Speaker Box Sessions presented by the boys at MeezyArt, The MrCHOE Show and Empress Sounds. The first throwdown in this monthly series brought the vibe high and the house down with some of the best South Bay hip-hop philosophers droppin' mad knowledge. Catch MrCHOE, DJ Verz and JayBiz spinning and MindBenders, Buckle Brothers, DirtBag Dan with DJs That Girl and Jennicyde. Thursday, May 18 at Agenda Lounge, 399 S. First St., San Jose. Get on the VIP guest list.
SUNGLASSES AT NITE: Club Glo with Playboi, rocdaturntables entertainment and BW entertainment bring back the SOL party and for all of you that have hit one of these before, you know what you're in for. The theme is "Tropical Paradise" hosted by da girls: Aimee, Karla, Natasha, Lina, Lisa and Monique. Saturday May 20 at Club Glo, 396 S. First St., San Jose. LoDo: Get in for a five spot before 11pm.
JURASSIC 5 AND NO RAPTORS: With Jurassic 5's fluid vocal routines, the quartet builds upon rap's forefathers—Double Trouble, the Treacherous Three, Funky Four + One More, the Fantastic and Furious Fives—and customized the music with contemporary twists. The four emcees—Chali 2na, Mark 7even, Akil, Zaakir—move in and out like a Globetrotters weave before merging into one single, moving voice. DJ Numark lays down the canvas. They appear at Leavey Center with Babu and Rakaa Iriscience of Dilated Peoples. Tuesday May 23 at 8pm, The Leavey Center, Santa Clara University, Santa Clara. Tickets: $23.

NUMBER 2: The Sequel, featuring Chris Clouse and Zhaldee presented by the good folks at S Productions and Ei8ht Group. Rock, Mash up, Fusion and Electronica. Friday May 19, Doors at 9pm at Fahrenheit Ultra Lounge, 99 E. San Fernando St., San Jose. Out of Pocket Expense: $15 at the door.
KILL THE DJ: Johnny V's has downtown's best live rock show this weekend. Featuring Amotus, Drunken Lush, Chemical Burn, The Miserables and Venting Machine. That's five freakin' bands, one cover, mad drink specials and groupies. Friday May 19 at Johnny V's, 31 E. Santa Clara St., San Jose. Wallet Impact: Cover yeah, but you'll make it up on drink specials.
PRESOAK: Before ya'll go hittin' the big SJ on Thursday, hit the Flying Martini Brothers from 6-8pm for a few rounds with the Tanqueray 10 girls. They'll be havin' drink specials on all Tanq martinis so if you're in need of some drink induced (or reduced) sophistication cruise on down and remember to stick your pinkie out. Thursday May 18, 6-8pm at Flying Martini Brothers, 69 N. San Pedro St., San Jose.
THERE'S A THEME HERE: The Official Planet Beach Bikini Contest, the prelims before the crowning in Vegas hits with a $25000 windfall for the girl that has it goin' on. DJs will be spinning and girls will be strutting—why go over the hill when this is right downtown? But show up looking better than you do at the beach. Saturday May 20, 9pm at Studio 8, 8 S. First St., San Jose. Out of Pocket: What would you pay?

TWO WHOLE YEARS: Iconz Entertainment throws their two year anniversary party—The Standard II—at Angels Nightclub with guest DJs KMEL's Mind Motion and Boriqua 1. In high style, Iconz Entertainment presents Icandy models in a fashion show hosted by Pink Lemonaid. Friday May 19 at Angels Nightclub and Cabaret, 400 S. First St., San Jose. Cover: Ladies $5, Boys $10 before 11pm.
W.P.O.D: The Tubes tore up the 70s and '80s with hits like "White Punks on Dope," "Don't Touch Me There," and "Talk to You Later." So if you are expecting some washed up, has-been act, you'd be wrong about that. We verified this first hand at last December's show at SF's Red Devil Lounge. Drummer Prairie Prince pounds the skins like there's no tomorrow. Fee Waybill is still in great shape, strong of voice and looking good with a TV on his head, along with other gems from a wardrobe of ridiculous costumes. And classic rock fans look even stoopider screaming W.P.O.D. refrains. You can witness it first hand at Avalon on the Lawrence Expressway in Santa Clara. Info: 408.241.0777.
SECOND SUNDAY IS COMING: The legendary Second Sunday party kicks off June 11 at Kelly's Mission Rock in San Francisco, and the first party of the season is usually among the hottest of the year. DJ lineup includes Doc Martin, Andy Caldwell, Jeno, M3, Ellen Ferrato, Mike Ameci and Second Sunday co-founder Ben Doren. The first 200 tickets are discounted to $20 and are going fast online.
—This week's newsletter by: RO, BW, AR, TI, BF and MSG